Followers how to's Instagram

How to gain Instagram followers for free

 Instagram has become the best free, online photo-sharing application and social network platform worldwide. And to those who believe having a lot of Instagram followers is ‘cool’ or makes you look popular there are apps and sites that help you get ‘free’ and ‘paid’ Instagram followers. But hey who would pay to get Instagram followers when there are apps providing them for free. One good example is Hiketop+ and that is the app we’re focusing on today.

Step 1: Login

Open the Hiketop+ app and login to your existing Instagram account. Once logged in press the ‘Logged In’ button to proceed.

Step 2: Earn crystals

Crystals are the sole to earning with Hiketop+. You earn crystals by following people, liking images and videos, e.t.c. Following people gives you 8 crystals per follow so all you need is to keep on following until you have 39+ crystals.

Step 3: Earning followers

Now let’s get to the part we have all been waiting for ‘getting the followers’. To earn followers press the ‘stay on top’ button that will get you to the top of the following list for a minute NB THIS WILL USE 39 CRYSTALS.

Voila you’re now earning followers for the next minute. To earn up to 3k followers keep on doing this till you have your desired number of followers. You can always unfollow those people whom you followed.

Click here to get the app 

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