100 Windows shortcuts to boost your productivity


In today’s fast-paced digital world efficiency is key. Time is often limited and therefore finding ways to complete tasks more quickly and efficiently becomes paramount. This is where keyboard shortcuts come into play. Windows shortcuts are simple combinations of keyboard keys that can perform a variety of functions commands and operations on your computer. These shortcuts can significantly improve your productivity saving you time and effort. Whether you’re a casual user or a professional mastering windows shortcuts is a worthwhile endeavor. In this article I’m going to list a 100 windows keyboard shortcuts for you. 

Note : The keyboard shortcuts mentioned below are based on standard US keyboard layout . Different keyboard layouts may require modifications in the key combinations . 

1. Ctrl + C: Copy

2. Ctrl + X: Cut

3. Ctrl + V: Paste

4. Ctrl + Z: Undo

5. Ctrl + Y: Redo

6. Ctrl + A: Select all

7. Ctrl + S: Save

8. Ctrl + N: New

9. Ctrl + O: Open

10. Ctrl + P: Print

11. Ctrl + F: Find

12. Ctrl + H: Replace

13. Ctrl + E: Select the search box

14. Ctrl + W: Close the current window/tab

15. Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder

16. Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager

17. Ctrl + Shift + T: Restore the most recently closed tab in your browser

18. Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy path of a file/folder

19. Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste text without formatting

20. Ctrl + Shift + S: Save as

21. Ctrl + Shift + P: Open a new private window in your browser

22. Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow/Right Arrow: Select text word by word

23. Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow/Down Arrow: Select text paragraph by paragraph

24. Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch between open applications in reverse order

25. Alt + Tab: Switch between open applications

26. Alt + F4: Close the current application/window

27. Alt + Space: Open the window menu

28. Alt + Enter: Open properties of selected file/folder

29. Alt + Print Screen: Take a screenshot of the active window

30. F1: Open Help and Support

31. F2: Rename selected file/folder

32. F3: Open search

33. F5: Refresh

34. F11: Toggle full-screen mode

35. Win + E: Open File Explorer

36. Win + D: Show desktop

37. Win + L: Lock your computer

38. Win + R: Open the Run dialog

39. Win + P: Open the projection settings

40. Win + U: Open the Ease of Access Center

41. Win + X: Open the power user menu

42. Win + I: Open Settings

43. Win + A: Open the Action Center

44. Win + S: Open Cortana/Search

45. Win + M: Minimize all windows

46. Win + Shift + M: Restore all minimized windows

47. Win + Arrow Keys: Snap windows to the left/right/top/bottom of the screen

48. Win + Plus (+)/Minus (-): Zoom in/out

49. Ctrl + Shift + F: Search for computers (on a network)

50. Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow/Right Arrow: Select text character by character

51. Ctrl + Shift + Space: Select an entire row/column in Excel

52. Ctrl + Alt + Del: Open the security options screen

53. Ctrl + Alt + Tab: Switch between open applications (Task Switcher)

54. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S: Open the Windows Ink Workspace

55. Ctrl + Alt + Esc: Switch between open applications (Task order)

56. Ctrl + Alt + Enter: Open Command Prompt in full-screen mode

57. Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open the Task Manager

58. Ctrl + Alt + F4: Close the current virtual desktop

59. Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow/Right Arrow: Switch between virtual desktops

60. Ctrl + Alt + D: Show/hide the desktop icons

61. Ctrl + Alt + Numpad Plus (+)/Minus (-): Zoom in/out (Magnifier)

62. Ctrl + Alt + Space: Preview the desktop in full-screen mode

63. Ctrl + Alt + R: Record the screen with the Game Bar

64. Ctrl + Alt + G: Start/stop recording the screen with the Game Bar

65. Ctrl + Alt + I: Show/hide the color inversion (Ease of Access)

66. Ctrl + Alt + O: Show/hide the color filters (Ease of Access)

67. Ctrl + Alt + P: Show/hide the high contrast mode (Ease of Access)

68. Ctrl + Alt + S: Start/stop the screen reader narrator

69. Ctrl + Alt + T: Show/hide the on-screen keyboard (Ease of Access)

70. Ctrl + Alt + U: Show/hide the text cursor indicator (Ease of Access)

71. Ctrl + Alt + X: Start/stop the mouse keys (Ease of Access)

72. Ctrl + Alt + Y: Start/stop the speech recognition

73. Ctrl + Alt + N: Create a new folder (Windows Explorer)

74. Ctrl + Alt + W: Show window menu (Windows Explorer)

75. Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow/Right Arrow: Go back/forward in File Explorer

76. Shift + Delete: Permanently delete a file/folder without sending to recycle bin

77. Shift + F10: Open the context menu for the selected item

78. Shift + F3: Change the case of selected text (uppercase/lowercase)

79. Shift + F10 + Arrow Keys: Move files/folders within File Explorer (using context menu)

80. Shift + F12: Save document (in Microsoft Office applications)

81. Shift + Tab: Move backward through tabs/buttons/fields on a webpage or form

82. Shift + Click: Open a file/folder in a new window

83. Shift + Win + Left Arrow/Right Arrow: Move a window to the left/right monitor

84. Alt + F: Open the File menu in the current application

85. Alt + E: Open the Edit menu in the current application

86. Alt + V: Open the View menu in the current application

87. Alt + T: Open the Tools menu in the current application

88. Alt + B: Open the Bookmarks menu in the browser

89. Alt + P: Open the Page menu in the browser

90. Alt + G: Open the History menu in the browser

91. Alt + H: Open the Help menu in the browser

92. Alt + C: Open the Developer menu in the browser

93. Alt + R: Open the References menu in the browser

94. Alt + W: Open the Window menu in the browser

95. Alt + Q: Quit the application

96. Alt + 1/2/3/…/9: Access the corresponding tab in a browser or application toolbar

97. Alt + F10: Activate the menu bar in the current application

98. Alt + F5: Restore the size of the current window

99. Alt + Home: Open the homepage in the browser

100. Alt + Enter: Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item

These are just a few of the many keyboard shortcuts available in the Windows operating system. 


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