Is the death of WhatsApp mods finally here?


Seeing my greatest enemy go down has been my dream. WhatsApp mods(all wrapped up in the name GBWhatsApp) have been on my nerve since day one. Honestly speaking, I never liked those things at all. I think I speak for most when I say my dream was to see these WhatsApp mods go down one day. To my surprise, I think that day is coming soon.

The downfall of WhatsApp mods might just be near after what I witnessed today. Even though I hated the anti delete features and the hiding features a lot, unfortunately the GBWhatsApp was also an essential for me. Funny coincidence. It’s more like my wish for the downfall of mods is the same as praying for my own disadvantage. Till date, I’ve been using the GBWhatsApp on my spare line for sending links in multiple groups(up to 70) at the same time. This was the main reason I had the app on my phone till now but lately I was banned. This wasn’t nothing new to me as I’ve been banned on this number multiple times and the fact that it’s a second number, it doesn’t really hurt me to be banned. But after my number was approved, I wanted to login to the app, so that I would send my new article’s link to my groups as usual and that’s when I got this message.

Initially I thought it would happen for this login trial only so I installed a WhatsApp clone through the dual app option in the phone settings and logged into my WhatsApp with the clone. After this, I went back to my GB to login to my number and still got the same message. Tried clearing data and uninstalling and reinstalling the app but it was of now use.

 This event made me both elated and disappointed at the same time as it gave me assurance that this is likely going to happen to most WhatsApp mod users but I also lost my ability to send a message to 70 groups once. But anyways it’s a win win if this happens to everyone else. If you’re or you were using a WhatsApp mod, share your current experience with the app through the comment section. 


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