Let’s dive into some Mac shortcuts that’ll make you feel like you’re hacking the Matrix, even if you’re just organizing your cat pictures. Here are 100 Mac shortcuts to boost your productivity:
Basic Navigation
- Command (⌘) + Space – Open Spotlight.
- Command (⌘) + Tab – Switch between open apps.
- Command (⌘) + H – Hide the current app.
- Command (⌘) + Option + H – Hide all other apps.
- Command (⌘) + Q – Quit the current app.
- Command (⌘) + Option + Esc – Force quit apps.
- Command (⌘) + N – New Finder window.
Window Management
- Command (⌘) + M – Minimize the front window.
- Command (⌘) + Option + M – Minimize all windows.
- Command (⌘) + W – Close the front window.
- Command (⌘) + Option + W – Close all windows.
- Command (⌘) + Control + F – Enter/exit full screen.
Mission Control
- Control + Up Arrow – Open Mission Control.
- Control + Down Arrow – Show all windows of the current app.
- Control + Left/Right Arrow – Switch between desktops.
- Control + Command (⌘) + F – Toggle full screen mode.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + N – New folder.
- Command (⌘) + Delete – Move to Trash.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + Delete – Empty Trash.
- Command (⌘) + I – Get info.
- Command (⌘) + Option + I – Show Inspector.
- Command (⌘) + D – Duplicate.
- Command (⌘) + E – Eject.
- Command (⌘) + F – Find.
- Command (⌘) + K – Connect to Server.
File Management
- Command (⌘) + C – Copy.
- Command (⌘) + X – Cut.
- Command (⌘) + V – Paste.
- Command (⌘) + Z – Undo.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + Z – Redo.
- Command (⌘) + A – Select All.
- Command (⌘) + T – New tab.
- Command (⌘) + O – Open.
- Command (⌘) + R – Show original.
Text Editing
- Command (⌘) + B – Bold.
- Command (⌘) + I – Italic.
- Command (⌘) + U – Underline.
- Command (⌘) + T – Show fonts.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + K – Spelling and Grammar.
System Preferences
- Command (⌘) + , (comma) – Open preferences for the front app.
- Command (⌘) + Option + Control + P – Open Print dialog.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + 3 – Capture the entire screen.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + 4 – Capture a selected portion of the screen.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + 4, then Space – Capture a window.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + 5 – Open screenshot toolbar.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + 6 – Capture the Touch Bar (if available).
- Command (⌘) + T – Open new tab.
- Command (⌘) + W – Close tab.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + T – Reopen last closed tab.
- Command (⌘) + L – Highlight the address bar.
- Command (⌘) + F – Find text.
- Command (⌘) + R – Reload the current page.
- Command (⌘) + Option + R – Reload page without cache.
- Command (⌘) + [ – Go back.
- Command (⌘) + ] – Go forward.
- Command (⌘) + N – New message.
- Command (⌘) + R – Reply.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + R – Reply All.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + F – Forward.
- Command (⌘) + Option + F – Search mail.
- Command (⌘) + N – New window.
- Command (⌘) + T – New tab.
- Command (⌘) + K – Clear screen.
- Command (⌘) + W – Close window/tab.
- Command (⌘) + Option + F5 – Accessibility options.
- Control + Option + Command (⌘) + 8 – Invert colors.
- Control + Option + Command (⌘) + Period (.) – Increase contrast.
- Control + Option + Command (⌘) + Comma (,) – Decrease contrast.
- Space – Play/Pause.
- Command (⌘) + Right Arrow – Next song.
- Command (⌘) + Left Arrow – Previous song.
- Command (⌘) + Up Arrow – Volume up.
- Command (⌘) + Down Arrow – Volume down.
- Command (⌘) + Option + D – Show/hide Dock.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + A – Open Applications folder.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + U – Open Utilities folder.
- Command (⌘) + Option + S – Show/hide Sidebar.
- Command (⌘) + Option + L – Open Downloads folder.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + G – Go to Folder.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + H – Go to Home folder.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + C – Go to Computer.
- Command (⌘) + Shift + I – Connect to iDisk.
- Command (⌘) + Option + Y – Slideshow (in Finder).
- Command (⌘) + Y – Quick Look (in Finder).
Text Navigation
- Option + Left Arrow – Move cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
- Option + Right Arrow – Move cursor to the beginning of the next word.
- Command (⌘) + Left Arrow – Move cursor to the beginning of the line.
- Command (⌘) + Right Arrow – Move cursor to the end of the line.
- Command (⌘) + Up Arrow – Move cursor to the beginning of the document.
- Command (⌘) + Down Arrow – Move cursor to the end of the document.
Text Selection
- Shift + Command (⌘) + Left Arrow – Select text to the beginning of the line.
- Shift + Command (⌘) + Right Arrow – Select text to the end of the line.
- Shift + Option + Left Arrow – Select text to the beginning of the previous word.
- Shift + Option + Right Arrow – Select text to the beginning of the next word.
- Shift + Command (⌘) + Up Arrow – Select text to the beginning of the document.
- Shift + Command (⌘) + Down Arrow – Select text to the end of the document.
- Fn (Function) key – Start dictation.
Force Quit
- Command (⌘) + Option + Shift + Esc – Force quit the front app.
Sleep, Restart, Shut Down
- Control + Command (⌘) + Eject – Restart.
- Control + Option + Command (⌘) + Eject – Shut down.
And there you go! A hundred Mac shortcuts to make you feel like a pro.